Your tailor-made Market Place
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You lead a group of traders. You want to group them within a platform, or a Marketplace. Mosaiks creates individual websites and has created a platform: Mosaiks can give you the benefit of all its knowledge of the market and its experience. Today, existing marketplaces are already technically obsolete. An example, the video. You know Tik Tok. It's for kids. But Instagram has created “Reel”, Youtube, “Short”, and even Vinted is getting into it. Your budget is not stretchable to the point of integrating heavy modifications each year. Hence the need for very precise and highly studied technical specifications. Mosaiks, as for individual sites, provides you with a complete layout of the site. The relocation of graphic and technical production makes it possible to keep budgets within often necessary limits.
Votres site Web
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Secrétariat de vos Plateformes
La vidéo
100% Gratuite
100% Gratuite
5, rue du point du jour
92100 Boulogne Billancourt
+33 9 77 21 95 56